Osteopathy is a non-invasive form of manual medicine in which the Osteopathic Practitioner uses their hands to diagnose, treat and heal the whole of the patient. It is gentle and effective, relying on the Osteopathic Practitioner’s perception and sense of touch. The goal of an Osteopathic treatment is to work with the individual's health, and to rekindle the body's capacity to heal itself, thus restoring natural motion to all tissues of the body. Osteopathy seeks to find the health that naturally exists.
In 2010, The World Health Organization recognized Osteopathy as a distinct practice, different from other professions that use manual techniques such as physiotherapy and chiropractic. The WHO has set out official training guidelines for Osteopathy.
Osteopathy is a philosophy − a holistic approach emphasizing the inter-relationship between form and function of the body. When the body is out of alignment, it doesn't function at its maximum ability.
Osteopathy also focuses on the body’s potential for self-repair and self-correction. The body can automatically adapt to different demands, and maintain itself in a state of balance and harmony. The body can recover from or adapt to many of life’s challenges, even traumatic events and injuries.
However, the body's resources for coping are not endless. When overstressed and overcompensating, the body's own resources for repair become exhausted, and require assistance. That's where Osteopathy comes in.
Learning the art of Osteopathy involves many years of training and study. We become skilled in the use of our hands to diagnose and treat various forms of illness, and for many Practitioners it is a daily practice in understanding Osteopathic philosophy and principles. It takes many years to appreciate the wisdom and layers Osteopathy has to offer.
Osteopathy treats the whole person, and not just an area of the
body causing symptoms. It seeks to understand and treat the cause
of the underlying problem, rather than simply treating the
symptoms. In its holistic approach, Osteopathy recognizes that we
are made of a sacred Triune - body, mind and spirit.
Through the skilled hands and gentle touch of the Practitioner, imbalances throughout the whole body are corrected. These corrections are balanced in the bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, fascia, organs, fluids, as well as the more subtle anatomical structures. All changes are dictated by a much higher intelligence, an ancient wisdom, which effortlessly rebalances the changes made in accordance with the current needs of the patient.
These changes result in an improved physiology and balanced alignment that enhances the body's own ability to heal, often without the use of drugs or surgery.
However, Osteopathy may be combined with the appropriate use of present day medical therapeutics. Osteopathic treatment is simple and sensible and when applied in practice, can make considerable changes in a person's overall health and wellbeing.